Friday, March 31, 2006

Research and Analysis Afternoon

It's Friday after 3:00 so I'm spending just a few moments checking out what's new in the digital world. I wound up going from to's mapping site (when is someone finally going to merge Wikipedia like openness, Google's browser efficiency, and an the idea of photo sharing in a spatial domain? A9 has block view photos for certain cities and if they allowed photo uploads you would now be able to see block views of my own street, possible with me in a pic or two. Oh well, maybe it was for the best for now.

The other thing I'm doing, and the reason I decided to post (just in case something breaks) is downloading IE7.0 beta. I'll let everyone know how that goes.

What do you think about the georeferencing of pics? Did you even know that microsoft had a great project relating to that at one time, I used it a little. Ever hear of WWMX? It was ambitious and a pretty good application but just didn't make it for one reason or another. Probably got pulled into something bigger.

Peace out... Installing IE 7 and my browser is closing.


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