Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Calgon Day

On days like this where I find myself switching from Java J2EE to .NET Web Services to JavaScript debugging woes to Database Maintenance Tasks to delivering specs for a new ArcGIS Server, well, on days like this I wish I were a little brighter, a little less forgetful, and a lot more energetic. In the span of one day I have found myself programming in Java, C#, Visual Basic, JavaScript, DHTML, Visio (yes for me that's just as difficult as any language), PL/SQL, and DHTML. I'm spent...

On the bright side I learned a little more about Atlas today. When this all comes together and the standards are in place and the wizards are finished, web programming really will be as efficient and fun as desktop application writing. Ok, so I'm living somewhere in the clouds right now.


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